The FW 4.00 just released few days ago. Since the webkit exploit may be patched on 4.00 or the next firmware, I tried to find a way to bypass the update checker of PSN.
Then I found PSProxy. Unfortunately, it only support Windows. So I've made a proxy that can work on both macOS and linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04).
Like PSProxy, PSPypass will allow you bypass the update requirement of PSN and let you stay on a lower FW.
To use this, you...
[Release] PSPypass - Bypass update checker on macOS / linux
The FW 4.00 just released few days ago. Since the webkit exploit may be patched on 4.00 or the next firmware, I tried to find a way to bypass the update checker of PSN.
Then I found PSProxy. Unfortunately, it only support Windows. So I've made a proxy that can work on both macOS and linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04).
Like PSProxy, PSPypass will allow you bypass the update requirement of PSN and let you stay on a lower FW.
To use this, you...
[Release] PSPypass - Bypass update checker on macOS / linux