First Massive Thanks - Leeful - Sleirgoevy - theflow - Al Azif - Team Synacktiv - Karo - DarkModderVC - And Many More
First Release (still got some cleaning up to do)
still work in progress fan control still to do
Load all your payload in one (split webkit exploit and payloads)
Basiclly it runs the webkit and exploit and then you can load multiple payloads
SelfHost 7.50-7.55 User's Guide...
7.5X User Guide & Exploit Host Menu V2 ish: now with added GoldHEN!
First Release (still got some cleaning up to do)
still work in progress fan control still to do
Load all your payload in one (split webkit exploit and payloads)
Basiclly it runs the webkit and exploit and then you can load multiple payloads
SelfHost 7.50-7.55 User's Guide...
7.5X User Guide & Exploit Host Menu V2 ish: now with added GoldHEN!