In case you're dumb: this ONLY works on FW 7.02. If you are on a lower firmware, download a 7.02 retail update file here and update your system. If you are on a higher firmware (e.g. 7.50), your console CAN'T BE HACKED yet.
Finally the 7.02 webkit exploit is now available thanks to sleirsgoevy and the...
[PS4] The 7.02 webkit exploit has been released !
In case you're dumb: this ONLY works on FW 7.02. If you are on a lower firmware, download a 7.02 retail update file here and update your system. If you are on a higher firmware (e.g. 7.50), your console CAN'T BE HACKED yet.
Finally the 7.02 webkit exploit is now available thanks to sleirsgoevy and the...
[PS4] The 7.02 webkit exploit has been released !