Looks like Zer0xFF found a way to bypass PSN authentication on media applications like for example Netflix, Plex, Crunchyroll and Youtube according to one of his Twitter posts (https://twitter.com/Zer0xFF/status/1026276359352532992).
So, you can find online patched media applications that don't require to login to PSN to run (like on PS3). I've only tested briefly the Netflix application and it runs... ^__^ d
Edit: Bypass PSN (my words) probably isn't correct, he found out...
NoPSN applications: running Netflix, Youtube, Plex on your jailbroken PS4
So, you can find online patched media applications that don't require to login to PSN to run (like on PS3). I've only tested briefly the Netflix application and it runs... ^__^ d
Edit: Bypass PSN (my words) probably isn't correct, he found out...
NoPSN applications: running Netflix, Youtube, Plex on your jailbroken PS4